Our goal is
to build a replica of traditional Kauai sleeping house - Hale Noa.
In Hawaii, historic places play the important role of tangibly linking the diverse modern population with Hawaii’s unique history. They simultaneously serve as places of memory for those who have always lived here while educating new comers about the islands’ collective history. Preservation is important; not only as a means to remember our past but to inspire our future.
Hale Noa
Hale. (HAH- leh). Hawaiian word for house.
Ancient Hawaiians lived sustainably and recognized that human civilization is an integral part of the natural world. If the human community is to survive, the natural world and nature must be preserved and perpetuated.
The Hawaiian Hale exemplifies the concept of sustainable design.
Pursuing everyday activities in the midst of warm sunshine and gentle breezes ancient Hawaiians lived their lives mostly outdoors. The benign climate did not require a shelter of thick walls and insulation for protection against rough weather.
Traditional hale were constructed of native woods lashed together with cordage. Materials for thatching were provided by the renewable resource of plant leaves and grasses.
Ua mau ke ea o ka `aina i ka pono.
The life of the land is preserved in righteousness.

*402.3 Hale Noa. Hale Noa shall have at least two openings. One opening shall be at least 3 feet wide and 5 feet high, and the other opening shall be at least 2 feet wide and 3 feet high. Hale Noa shall be designed in accordance with the following schematics and illustrations. Structural components for Hale Noa shall meet the size and spacing requirements in Table X402.3(a). Foundations for Hale Noa shall be designed in accordance with Table X402.3(b).
*Kauaʻi County Code