Pierce, Richard A., ed. Russia's Hawaiian Adwenture, 1815-1817. The Limestone press, 1976 (Univ of California Press, 1965)

Mills, Peter R. Hawai_i's Russian Adventure: A New Look at Old History. University of Hawaii Press, 2002.

The Journal of Dr. Sheffer, kept by him during his stay on Sandwich [Hawaian] Islands
The transcription of the original manuscript scan by Igor Lukoyanov and Dmitry Semakin. Translation and notes by Aleksandr Molodin (A.M.).
Alexander, William De Witt.
Hommon, Robert J.; Stauder, Catherine; Cox, David W.; Ching, Francis K.W.
Shideler, Hammatt
Russian Fort Brochure
Kikuchi, William K.; KikuchiThe, Delores L.
Stauder, Catherine